‘I haven’t flown for 10 years..’ – Great Big Green Week Feature

Posted: 07.06.24

As part of SATCoL's participation and support in this year's Great Big Green Week , which is ran by The Climate Coalition, we wanted to reflect on how our very own colleagues are doing their bit for the planet. We asked the Head of Environment and Sustainability at SATCoL, Majonne Frost, to tell us a little more about what the week entails and what are some of her very own top green tips.

What is Great Big Green Week all about?

Great Big Green Week (GBGW) is about bringing people together to create a wave of action to protect the planet. This year GBGW is encouraging everyone to ‘swap together for good’.

As Head of Environment and Sustainability, part of my job is to help implement Great Big Green Swaps, and I don’t only do this at work but in my personal life as well. I want to encourage you to do the same and find one or two swaps that can be easily added into your life which will make a positive impact on the planet.

Here are two easy ideas: get an item repaired instead of buying a new one or visit a recycling event where you can learn more about sustainable projects! The good news is, you are already making an important swap by shopping at The Salvation Army and buying second-hand instead of new!

There are lots of other swaps that you can make in order to help the planet and have a more sustainable lifestyle. You can start little and work your way up.


What are some of mine?

My little swap: My small (but mighty) swap is bringing my reusable water bottle, mug and cutlery with me when I travel. Over the years I must have avoided throwing hundreds of single-use plastic items in the bin.

My big swap: My biggest swap has to be travel. I have not flown anywhere for over 10 years and most of the travel I do for work is on public transport.

My top tips for making planet-friendly swaps

🌍 Give it a go, even if you have never done it before! You will be surprised at what you can achieve. Whether it’s using a reusable water bottle like me or swapping your dinner for a plant-based one, no change is too little.

🌍 If you are not sure how to do something, ask for help from others. You may even discover new skills your friends and family kept hidden and, let’s be honest, group activities are so much fun!

🌍 There are so many great places to get inspiration for swap ideas, why not start by checking them out at greatbiggreenweek.com? There’s surely something to pique your interest and help you make environmentally friendly choices.


This article has been taken from our special GBGW edition of our Restyle magazine.

Click here to read the full magazine